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thai peanut stir fry

May 30, 2013

i love stir fry!!  it is so delicious but a lot of times at restaurants or take out asian places it is fried in grease, high in sodium and overall awful for you!  that is why i like to make it homeade so it is much healthier and just as delicious.  last night was my first attempt at peanut sauce.. typically i made stir fry garlicy or or gingery... or both!  i would recommend trying this out... very good!!!

stir fry is basicly whatever vegetable or protein you want to put into it and mixed with some sort of sauce.  so mix and match to your liking!!

my recipe:
skinless chicken breasts
baby bok choy
bean sprouts
green onion

4 T (1 big scoop) peanut butter
2 T olive oil
2 T soy sauce
sesame seeds

a lot of recipes call for brown sugar in your stir fry sauce... but adding sugar makes it less healthy so why?? i skip the sugar.  it is delicious without it!

first start by washing all of your veggies thoroughly and then cut them up well.  

make your sauce in a separate bowl

sear your chicken in your wok (or frying pan) first... you do not want raw chicken mixed in

cook the chicken until all sides are cooked a little, but not completely. you do not want to over cook it

add the vegetables and simmer on medium/low heat.  you need to be patient and let them cook down. this is not always easy because you are hungry and it smells good, but you do not want everything crunchy.. give it time to cook.

after the stir fry has cooked well... i would say 8 minutes, stir in your sauce. 

let it cook down for a couple more minutes 

look at how much smaller the food is in the wok versus at the beginning! yay you are done now : )

delicious!!!  if you want- try eating with chop sticks!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this recipe, I really want to cook this because I am practicing my self in cooking. The first recipe that I make was a Recipe for Stir Fry Sauce because it was easy to cook.
